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Adding a new HashiCorp Vault Plugin

The following steps show how to add a new Vault secret plugin for Fybrik. More information on the process can be found in this blog.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the Vault v1.9.x to execute Vault CLI commands.

Steps to add the plugin

  1. Login into Vault

  2. Register and enable the plugin during Vault server initialization in a specific path.
    An example of that can be found in helm chart values.yaml file in the project where Vault-plugin-secrets-kubernetes-reader plugin is enabled in kubernetes-secrets path:

        SHA256=$(sha256sum /usr/local/libexec/vault/vault-plugin-secrets-kubernetes-reader | cut -d ' ' -f1) &&
        vault plugin register -sha256=$SHA256 secret vault-plugin-secrets-kubernetes-reader
        vault secrets enable -path=kubernetes-secrets vault-plugin-secrets-kubernetes-reader

  3. Add Vault policy to allow the modules to access secrets using the plugin.
    Following is an example of a policy which gives permission to read secrets in Vault path kubernetes-secrets:
    vault policy write "allow-all-dataset-creds" - <<EOF
          path "kubernetes-secrets/*" {
          capabilities = ["read"]
  4. Have the data catalog getAsset response contain the Vault secret path which should be used to retrieve the credentials for a given asset. When the Vault plugin is used to retrieve the credentials, the parameters to the plugin should follow the plugin usage instructions. This path will later be passed on to the modules. For example, when the credentials are stored in kubernetes secret as is done in the Katalog built-in data catalog, the Vault-plugin-secrets-kubernetes-reader plugin can be used to retrieve the credentials. In this case two parameters should be passed: paysim-csv which is the kubernetes secret name that holds the credentials and fybrik-notebook-sample is the secret namespace, both are known to the katalog when constructing the path. The credentails field in getAsset response should contain "/v1/kubernetes-secrets/paysim-csv?namespace=fybrik-notebook-sample" in this case.
  5. Update the modules to use the Vault related values to retrieve dataset credentias during their runtime execution. The values contain secretPath field with the plugin path as described in the previous step. The following snippet contains an example of such values.
      # Address is Vault address
      address: http://vault.fybrik-system:8200
      # AuthPath is the path to auth method used to login to Vault
      authPath: /v1/auth/kubernetes/login
      # Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials
      role: module
      # SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault
      secretPath: /v1/kubernetes-secrets/paysim-csv?namespace=fybrik-notebook-sample