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Enabling data-plane optimization

Fybrik takes into account data governance and hard IT config policies when building a data plane. However, it does not by default take into account IT config optimization policies (i.e., optimization goals). To enable data-plane optimization, the Optimizer component must be enabled.

Enabling the optimizer

Enabling the optimizer is done by setting the solver.enabled property to true in Fybrik's Helm chart. Assuming Fybrik is already deployed, the following command can be used to enable the optimizer:

helm upgrade fybrik charts/fybrik --set global.tag=master --set global.imagePullPolicy=Always -n fybrik-system --wait --set solver.enabled=true

Using a custom CSP solver

The default CSP solver is the one provided by Google OR-Tools. A different solver from the list of FlatZinc-supporting solvers can be configured by following these steps: 1. Prepare a Docker image file containing the solver executable and the solver's dependencies (e.g., dynamically-linked libraries). The executable should be called solver and should be placed in the directory /data/tools/bin of the Docker image. 2. Upload the Docker image file to any public registry. 3. Run the following command to configure the solver (this assumes that Fybrik is already deployed):

helm upgrade fybrik charts/fybrik --set global.tag=master --set global.imagePullPolicy=Always -n fybrik-system --wait --set solver.image=<image-of-your-solver>