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Build and Test

Build the project images

make docker-build

Run unit tests

make test

Some tests for controllers are written in a fashion that they can be run on a simulated environment using envtest or on an already existing Kubernetes cluster (or local kind cluster). The default is to use envtest. In order to run the tests in a local cluster the following environment variables can be set:


Please be aware that the controller is running locally in this case! If a controller is already deployed onto the cluster then the tests can be run with the command below. This will ensure that the tests are only creating custom resources on the cluster and checking their status:


Environment variables description

Environment variable Default Description
USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER false This variable controls if an existing K8s cluster should be used or not. If not envtest will spin up an artificial environment that includes a local etcd setup.
NO_SIMULATED_PROGRESS false This variable can be used by tests that can manually simulate progress of e.g. jobs or pods. e.g. the simulated test environment from testEnv does not progress pods etc while when testing against an external Kubernetes cluster this will actually run pods.
USE_EXISTING_CONTROLLER false This variable controls if a controller should be set up and run by this test suite or if an external one should be used. E.g. in integration tests running against an existing setup a controller is already existing in the Kubernetes cluster and should not be started by the test as two controllers competing may influence the test.

Running integration tests

With the following you will then setup a kind cluster with the local registry, build and push current docker images and finally run the integration tests on it:

make run-integration-tests

It is sometimes useful to call the integration test commands step by step, e.g., if you want to only repeat a specific step which failed without having to rerun the entire sequence. You can find the commands of the run-integration-tests target in the Makefile.

You can run make kind-cleanup to delete the created clusters when you're done.

Building in a multi cluster environment

As Fybrik can run in a multi-cluster environment there is also a test environment that can be used that simulates this scenario. Using kind one can spin up two separate kubernetes clusters with different contexts and develop and test in these.

Two kind clusters that share the same kind-registry can be set up using:

make kind-setup-multi

You can run make kind-cleanup to delete the created clusters when you're done.