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Using OPA for Data Governance

Open Policy Agent may be used as a data governance policy engine with Fybrik via the connector mechanism.

When OPA is used for data governance, it is deployed as a stand-alone service. Policies are defined in rego and uploaded to OPA.

For more details on OPA policies please refer to OPA documentation in particulate to the basics section which explains how a policy is evaluated.

OPA Policies Syntax

OPA policies for Fybrik are written in rego files and have the following syntax: rule[{"action": <action>, "policy": <policy>}] where policy is a string describing the action and action is JSON object with the following form:

    "name": <name>,
    <property>: <value>,
    <property>: <value>,
  • name is the name of the action. For example: "RedactAction"
  • property is the name of the action property as defined in the enforcement actions taxonomy. For example: "columns".

Here is an example Fybrik rule:

  rule[{"action": {"name":"RedactAction","columns": column_names}, "policy": description}] {
        description := "Redact written columns tagged as sensitive in datasets tagged with finance = true. The data should not be stored in `neverland` storage account"
        input.action.actionType == "write"
        input.action.destination != "neverland"
        column_names := [input.resource.metadata.columns[i].name | input.resource.metadata.columns[i].tags.sensitive]

An example of an object that may be returned by the rule above:

     "action": {"name":"RedactAction","columns": ["Address","Name"]},
     "policy": "Redact written columns tagged as sensitive in datasets tagged with finance = true. The data should not be stored in `neverland` storage account"}

Fybrik Default Policies

Fybrik allows by default any request if no rule is triggered. This behavior can be changed to deny by default by altering the value of opaServer.allowByDefault to be false during Fybrik's installation:

helm install fybrik fybrik-charts/fybrik --set opaServer.allowByDefault=false --set coordinator.catalog=<Catalog> -n fybrik-system --version master --wait

Input to policies

The input object includes the application properties and the requested action as well as dataset details (id, metadata).

  • context: request context includes application/workload properties defined in FybrikApplication, e.g.
  • action: request action includes information about the request such as action.actionType as defined in policy manager taxonomy , e.g write, read, delete or copy
  • resource: the request id and metadata as defined in catalog taxonomy, e.g resource.metadata.geography

Managing OPA policies

There are several ways to manage policies and data of the OPA service.

One simple approach is to use OPA kube-mgmt and manage Rego policies in Kubernetes Configmap resources. By default, Fybrik installs OPA with kube-mgmt enabled.

The following two sections show how to use OPA with kube-mgmt.


Due to size limits you must ensure that each configmap is smaller than 1MB when base64 encoded.

Using a configmap YAML

  1. Create a configmap with a Rego policy and a label in the fybrik-system namespace:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: <policy-name>
      namespace: fybrik-system
      labels: rego
      main: |
      <you rego policy here>
  2. Apply the configmap:
    kubectl apply -f <policy-name>.yaml
  3. To remove the policy just remove the configmap:
     kubectl delete -f <policy-name>.yaml

Using a Rego file

You can use kubectl to create a configmap from a Rego file. To create a configmap named <policy-name> from a Rego file in path <policy-name.rego>:

kubectl create configmap <policy-name> --from-file=main=<policy-name.rego> -n fybrik-system
kubectl label configmap <policy-name> -n fybrik-system

Delete the policy with kubectl delete configmap <policy-name> -n fybrik-system.

Using opaServer.bootstrapPolicies field

Another method to upload policies to OPA is to write them as opaServer.bootstrapPolicies field in values.yaml file used for the Fybrik deployment. In this approach the policies are uploaded upon OPA startup.

  # Bootstrap policies to load upon startup
    allowSamplePolicy: |-
      package dataapi.authz

      rule [{}] { true }