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One Click Demo

This guide contains a script that you can run with a single command, to see a demo of Fybrik in action.

The demo demonstrates the following sequence:

  1. A kind Kubernetes cluster is installed and Fybrik and all its dependencies are deployed to the cluster.
    You can also try to do this step by step in the QuickStart segment.

  2. A data operator registers a data asset in a data catalog used by Fybrik, and tags it as financial data.
    You can also try to do this, and the next parts of the demo, step by step in the notebook-read-sample segment.

  3. A data governance officer defines data policies, such as which columns contain PII (personally identifiable information), and submits them to Fybrik.

  4. A data user submits a request to read the data asset using Fybrik.

  5. Fybrik fetches the data asset, and automatically redacts columns according to the data policies.

  6. The data user can consume the governed data instantly.

All your require for the demo is a working bash terminal and docker installed.
The demo will make a bin folder at your current directory with all the required dependencies for Fybrik.

The Demo

We recommend trying Fybrik with its main data catalog OpenMetaData, but it takes ~25 minutes on most machines, so grab a coffee while you wait!
Alternatively you can try Fybrik with Katalog, a data catalog stub, strictly used for demos, to see a demo that takes ~5 minutes.

curl | bash -
curl | bash -

NOTE: At the end of the demo, you will see in your terminal a sample from a table that the data user consumed. one of the columns will display XXXXX instead of values, indicating that it has been automatically redacted due to data policies.


To stop the local kind kubernetes cluster booted up on your machine in this demo, and to remove the folder created with the dependencies for Fybrik, run this.

bin/kind delete cluster --name=kind-fybrik-installation-sample
rm -rf bin 

WARNING: If you already had a bin folder at your current directory these commands will delete it and its contents.