Formatting Standards
This page shows the formatting standards for the Fybrik documentation.
Link to other pages using relative links
When linking between pages in the documentation you can simply use the regular Markdown linking syntax, including the relative path to the Markdown document you wish to link to. For example:
Please see the [project license]( for further details.
If the target documentation file is in another directory you'll need to make sure to include any relative directory path in the link:
Please see the [project license](../about/ for further details.
Prefer SVG format for diagrams
Place image files in the docs/static directory. Use regular Markdown syntax for images. For example:

To make localization easier and enhance accessibility, the preferred image format is SVG. We recommend to use for creating images and diagrams. Use Export as to save your image in SVG format. Keep the Include a copy of my diagram option checked to allow later loading the SVG in and be sure to check Embed images if you diagram includes any.
If your diagram depicts a process, try to avoid adding the descriptions of the steps to the diagram. Instead, only add the numbers of the steps to the diagram and add the descriptions of the steps as a numbered list in the document. Ensure that the numbers on the list match the numbers on your diagram. This approach helps make diagrams easier to understand and the content more accessible.
Do not wrap lines
Never wrap lines after a fixed number of characters or in a middle of a senstence. Instead, configure your editor to soft-wrap when editing documentation.
Do | Don't |
This is a long line. | This is a long line. |
Use angle brackets for placeholders
Use angle brackets for placeholders in commands or code samples. Tell the reader what the placeholder represents. For example:
- Display information about a pod:
$ kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
is the name of one of your pods.
Use bold to emphasize user interface elements
Do | Don't |
Click Fork. | Click "Fork". |
Select Other. | Select 'Other'. |
Use bold to emphasize important text
Use bold to emphasize text that is particularly important. Avoid overusing bold as it reduces its impact and readability.
Do | Don't |
Examples of bad configurations: | Examples of bad configurations: |
The maximum length of the name field is 256 characters. |
The maximum length of the name field is 256 characters. |
Don't use capitalization for emphasis
Only use the original capitalization found in the code or configuration files
when referencing those values directly. Use back-ticks `` around the
referenced value to make the connection explicit. For example, use
, not Isolation Policy
or isolation policy
If you are not referencing values or code directly, use normal sentence capitalization, for example, "The isolation policy configuration takes place in a YAML file."
Use italics to emphasize new terms
Do | Don't |
A cluster is a set of nodes ... | A "cluster" is a set of nodes ... |
These components form the control plane. | These components form the control plane. |
Use back-ticks
around file names, directories, and paths
Do | Don't |
Open the foo.yaml file. |
Open the foo.yaml file. |
Go to the /content/docs/architecture directory. |
Go to the /content/docs/architecture directory. |
Open the /data/args.yaml file. |
Open the /data/args.yaml file. |
Use back-ticks
around inline code and commands
Do | Don't |
The foo run command creates a Deployment . |
The "foo run" command creates a Deployment . |
For declarative management, use foo apply . |
For declarative management, use "foo apply". |
Use code-blocks for commands you intend readers to execute. Only use inline code and commands to mention specific labels, flags, values, functions, objects, variables, modules, or commands.
Use back-ticks
around object field names
Do | Don't |
Set the value of the ports field in the configuration file. |
Set the value of the "ports" field in the configuration file. |
The value of the rule field is a Rule object. |
The value of the "rule" field is a Rule object. |