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API Reference


Resource Types:


↩ Parent

Blueprint is the Schema for the blueprints API

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string Blueprint true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object BlueprintSpec defines the desired state of Blueprint, which is the runtime environment which provides the Data Scientist's application with secure and governed access to the data requested in the M4DApplication. The blueprint uses an "argo like" syntax which indicates the components and the flow of data between them as steps TODO: Add an indication of the communication relationships between the components false
status object BlueprintStatus defines the observed state of Blueprint This includes readiness, error message, and indicators forthe Kubernetes resources owned by the Blueprint for cleanup and status monitoring false


↩ Parent

BlueprintSpec defines the desired state of Blueprint, which is the runtime environment which provides the Data Scientist's application with secure and governed access to the data requested in the M4DApplication. The blueprint uses an "argo like" syntax which indicates the components and the flow of data between them as steps TODO: Add an indication of the communication relationships between the components

Name Type Description Required
entrypoint string true
flow object DataFlow indicates the flow of the data between the components Currently we assume this is linear and thus use steps, but other more complex graphs could be defined as per how it is done in argo workflow true
templates []object true


↩ Parent

DataFlow indicates the flow of the data between the components Currently we assume this is linear and thus use steps, but other more complex graphs could be defined as per how it is done in argo workflow

Name Type Description Required
name string true
steps []object true


↩ Parent

FlowStep is one step indicates an instance of a module in the blueprint, It includes the name of the module template (spec) and the parameters received by the component instance that is initiated by the orchestrator.

Name Type Description Required
arguments object Arguments are the input parameters for a specific instance of a module. false
name string Name is the name of the instance of the module. For example, if the application is named "notebook" and an implicitcopy module is deemed necessary. The FlowStep name would be notebook-implicitcopy. true
template string Template is the name of the specification in the Blueprint describing how to instantiate a component indicated by the module. It is the name of a M4DModule CRD. For example: implicit-copy-db2wh-to-s3-latest true


↩ Parent

Arguments are the input parameters for a specific instance of a module.

Name Type Description Required
copy object CopyArgs are parameters specific to modules that copy data from one data store to another. false
read []object ReadArgs are parameters that are specific to modules that enable an application to read data false
write []object WriteArgs are parameters that are specific to modules that enable an application to write data false


↩ Parent

CopyArgs are parameters specific to modules that copy data from one data store to another.

Name Type Description Required
transformations []object Transformations are different types of processing that may be done to the data as it is copied. false
destination object Destination is the data store to which the data will be copied true
source object Source is the where the data currently resides true


↩ Parent

Destination is the data store to which the data will be copied

Name Type Description Required
connection object Connection has the relevant details for accesing the data (url, table, ssl, etc.) true
format string Format represents data format (e.g. parquet) as received from catalog connectors true
vault object Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store. true


↩ Parent

Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store.

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Source is the where the data currently resides

Name Type Description Required
connection object Connection has the relevant details for accesing the data (url, table, ssl, etc.) true
format string Format represents data format (e.g. parquet) as received from catalog connectors true
vault object Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store. true


↩ Parent

Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store.

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

ReadModuleArgs define the input parameters for modules that read data from location A

Name Type Description Required
transformations []object Transformations are different types of processing that may be done to the data false
assetID string AssetID identifies the asset to be used for accessing the data when it is ready It is copied from the M4DApplication resource true
source object Source of the read path module true


↩ Parent

Source of the read path module

Name Type Description Required
connection object Connection has the relevant details for accesing the data (url, table, ssl, etc.) true
format string Format represents data format (e.g. parquet) as received from catalog connectors true
vault object Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store. true


↩ Parent

Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store.

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

WriteModuleArgs define the input parameters for modules that write data to location B

Name Type Description Required
transformations []object Transformations are different types of processing that may be done to the data as it is written. false
destination object Destination is the data store to which the data will be written true


↩ Parent

Destination is the data store to which the data will be written

Name Type Description Required
connection object Connection has the relevant details for accesing the data (url, table, ssl, etc.) true
format string Format represents data format (e.g. parquet) as received from catalog connectors true
vault object Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store. true


↩ Parent

Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store.

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

ComponentTemplate is a copy of a M4DModule Custom Resource. It contains the information necessary to instantiate a component in a FlowStep, which provides the functionality described by the module. There are 3 different module types.

Name Type Description Required
chart object Chart contains the location of the helm chart with info detailing how to deploy true
kind string Kind of k8s resource true
name string Name of the template true


↩ Parent

Chart contains the location of the helm chart with info detailing how to deploy

Name Type Description Required
values map[string]string Values to pass to helm chart installation false
name string Name of helm chart true


↩ Parent

BlueprintStatus defines the observed state of Blueprint This includes readiness, error message, and indicators forthe Kubernetes resources owned by the Blueprint for cleanup and status monitoring

Name Type Description Required
observedGeneration integer ObservedGeneration is taken from the Blueprint metadata. This is used to determine during reconcile whether reconcile was called because the desired state changed, or whether status of the allocated resources should be checked. false
observedState object ObservedState includes information to be reported back to the M4DApplication resource It includes readiness and error indications, as well as user instructions false
releases map[string]integer Releases map each release to the observed generation of the blueprint containing this release. At the end of reconcile, each release should be mapped to the latest blueprint version or be uninstalled. false


↩ Parent

ObservedState includes information to be reported back to the M4DApplication resource It includes readiness and error indications, as well as user instructions

Name Type Description Required
dataAccessInstructions string DataAccessInstructions indicate how the data user or his application may access the data. Instructions are available upon successful orchestration. false
error string Error indicates that there has been an error to orchestrate the modules and provides the error message false
ready boolean Ready represents that the modules have been orchestrated successfully and the data is ready for usage false


↩ Parent

M4DApplication provides information about the application being used by a Data Scientist, the nature of the processing, and the data sets that the Data Scientist has chosen for processing by the application. The M4DApplication controller (aka pilot) obtains instructions regarding any governance related changes that must be performed on the data, identifies the modules capable of performing such changes, and finally generates the Blueprint which defines the secure runtime environment and all the components in it. This runtime environment provides the Data Scientist's application with access to the data requested in a secure manner and without having to provide any credentials for the data sets. The credentials are obtained automatically by the manager from an external credential management system, which may or may not be part of a data catalog.

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string M4DApplication true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object M4DApplicationSpec defines the desired state of M4DApplication. false
status object M4DApplicationStatus defines the observed state of M4DApplication. false


↩ Parent

M4DApplicationSpec defines the desired state of M4DApplication.

Name Type Description Required
secretRef string SecretRef points to the secret that holds credentials for each system the user has been authenticated with. The secret is deployed in M4dApplication namespace. false
selector object Selector enables to connect the resource to the application Application labels should match the labels in the selector. For some flows the selector may not be used. false
appInfo map[string]string AppInfo contains information describing the reasons for the processing that will be done by the Data Scientist's application. true
data []object Data contains the identifiers of the data to be used by the Data Scientist's application, and the protocol used to access it and the format expected. true


↩ Parent

Selector enables to connect the resource to the application Application labels should match the labels in the selector. For some flows the selector may not be used.

Name Type Description Required
clusterName string Cluster name false
workloadSelector object WorkloadSelector enables to connect the resource to the application Application labels should match the labels in the selector. true


↩ Parent

WorkloadSelector enables to connect the resource to the application Application labels should match the labels in the selector.

Name Type Description Required
matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. false
matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. false


↩ Parent

A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

Name Type Description Required
values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch. false
key string key is the label key that the selector applies to. true
operator string operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. true[index]

↩ Parent

DataContext indicates data set chosen by the Data Scientist to be used by his application, and includes information about the data format and technologies used by the application to access the data.

Name Type Description Required
catalogService string CatalogService represents the catalog service for accessing the requested dataset. If not specified, the enterprise catalog service will be used. false
dataSetID string DataSetID is a unique identifier of the dataset chosen from the data catalog for processing by the data user application. true
requirements object Requirements from the system true[index].requirements

↩ Parent

Requirements from the system

Name Type Description Required
copy object CopyRequrements include the requirements for copying the data false
interface object Interface indicates the protocol and format expected by the data user true[index].requirements.copy

↩ Parent

CopyRequrements include the requirements for copying the data

Name Type Description Required
catalog object Catalog indicates that the data asset must be cataloged. false
required boolean Required indicates that the data must be copied. false[index].requirements.copy.catalog

↩ Parent

Catalog indicates that the data asset must be cataloged.

Name Type Description Required
catalogID string CatalogID specifies the catalog where the data will be cataloged. false
service string CatalogService specifies the datacatalog service that will be used for catalogging the data into. false[index].requirements.interface

↩ Parent

Interface indicates the protocol and format expected by the data user

Name Type Description Required
dataformat enum DataFormatType defines data format type [parquet table csv json avro binary arrow] false
protocol enum IFProtocol defines interface protocol for data transactions [s3 kafka jdbc-db2 m4d-arrow-flight] true


↩ Parent

M4DApplicationStatus defines the observed state of M4DApplication.

Name Type Description Required
catalogedAssets map[string]string CatalogedAssets provide the new asset identifiers after being registered in the enterprise catalog It maps the original asset id to the cataloged asset id. false
conditions []object Conditions represent the possible error and failure conditions false
dataAccessInstructions string DataAccessInstructions indicate how the data user or his application may access the data. Instructions are available upon successful orchestration. false
generated object Generated resource identifier false
observedGeneration integer ObservedGeneration is taken from the M4DApplication metadata. This is used to determine during reconcile whether reconcile was called because the desired state changed, or whether the Blueprint status changed. false
provisionedStorage map[string]object ProvisionedStorage maps a dataset (identified by DataSetID) to the new provisioned bucket. It allows M4DApplication controller to manage buckets in case the spec has been modified, an error has occurred, or a delete event has been received. ProvisionedStorage has the information required to register the dataset once the owned plotter resource is ready false
ready boolean Ready is true if a blueprint has been successfully orchestrated false


↩ Parent

Condition describes the state of a M4DApplication at a certain point.

Name Type Description Required
message string Message contains the details of the current condition false
status string Status of the condition: true or false true
type string Type of the condition true


↩ Parent

Generated resource identifier

Name Type Description Required
kind string Kind of the resource (Blueprint, Plotter) true
name string Name of the resource true
namespace string Namespace of the resource true


↩ Parent

DatasetDetails contain dataset connection and metadata required to register this dataset in the enterprise catalog

Name Type Description Required
datasetRef string Reference to a Dataset resource containing the request to provision storage false
details object Dataset information false
secretRef string Reference to a secret where the credentials are stored false


↩ Parent

M4DModule is a description of an injectable component. the parameters it requires, as well as the specification of how to instantiate such a component. It is used as metadata only. There is no status nor reconciliation.

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string M4DModule true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object M4DModuleSpec contains the info common to all modules, which are one of the components that process, load, write, audit, monitor the data used by the data scientist's application. true


↩ Parent

M4DModuleSpec contains the info common to all modules, which are one of the components that process, load, write, audit, monitor the data used by the data scientist's application.

Name Type Description Required
dependencies []object Other components that must be installed in order for this module to work false
statusIndicators []object StatusIndicators allow to check status of a non-standard resource that can not be computed by helm/kstatus false
capabilities object Capabilities declares what this module knows how to do and the types of data it knows how to handle true
chart object Reference to a Helm chart that allows deployment of the resources required for this module true
flows []enum Flows is a list of the types of capabilities supported by the module - copy, read, write true


↩ Parent

Dependency details another component on which this module relies - i.e. a pre-requisit

Name Type Description Required
name string Name is the name of the dependent component true
type enum Type provides information used in determining how to instantiate the component [module connector feature] true


↩ Parent

ResourceStatusIndicator is used to determine the status of an orchestrated resource

Name Type Description Required
errorMessage string ErrorMessage specifies the resource field to check for an error, e.g. status.errorMsg false
failureCondition string FailureCondition specifies a condition that indicates the resource failure It uses kubernetes label selection syntax ( false
kind string Kind provides information about the resource kind true
successCondition string SuccessCondition specifies a condition that indicates that the resource is ready It uses kubernetes label selection syntax ( true


↩ Parent

Capabilities declares what this module knows how to do and the types of data it knows how to handle

Name Type Description Required
actions []object Actions are the data transformations that the module supports false
api object API indicates to the application how to access/write the data false
supportedInterfaces []object Copy should have one or more instances in the list, and its content should have source and sink Read should have one or more instances in the list, each with source populated Write should have one or more instances in the list, each with sink populated TODO - In the future if we have a module type that doesn't interface directly with data then this list could be empty true


↩ Parent

SupportedAction declares an action that the module supports (action identifier and its scope)

Name Type Description Required
id string false
level integer false


↩ Parent

API indicates to the application how to access/write the data

Name Type Description Required
dataformat enum DataFormatType defines data format type [parquet table csv json avro binary arrow] false
protocol enum IFProtocol defines interface protocol for data transactions [s3 kafka jdbc-db2 m4d-arrow-flight] true


↩ Parent

ModuleInOut specifies the protocol and format of the data input and output by the module - if any

Name Type Description Required
sink object Sink specifies the output data protocol and format false
source object Source specifies the input data protocol and format false
flow enum Flow for which this interface is supported [copy read write] true


↩ Parent

Sink specifies the output data protocol and format

Name Type Description Required
dataformat enum DataFormatType defines data format type [parquet table csv json avro binary arrow] false
protocol enum IFProtocol defines interface protocol for data transactions [s3 kafka jdbc-db2 m4d-arrow-flight] true


↩ Parent

Source specifies the input data protocol and format

Name Type Description Required
dataformat enum DataFormatType defines data format type [parquet table csv json avro binary arrow] false
protocol enum IFProtocol defines interface protocol for data transactions [s3 kafka jdbc-db2 m4d-arrow-flight] true


↩ Parent

Reference to a Helm chart that allows deployment of the resources required for this module

Name Type Description Required
values map[string]string Values to pass to helm chart installation false
name string Name of helm chart true


↩ Parent

M4DStorageAccount defines a storage account used for copying data. Only S3 based storage is supported. It contains endpoint, region and a reference to the credentials a Owner of the asset is responsible to store the credentials

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string M4DStorageAccount true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object M4DStorageAccountSpec defines the desired state of M4DStorageAccount false
status object M4DStorageAccountStatus defines the observed state of M4DStorageAccount false


↩ Parent

M4DStorageAccountSpec defines the desired state of M4DStorageAccount

Name Type Description Required
endpoint string Endpoint true
regions []string Regions true
secretRef string A name of k8s secret deployed in the control plane. This secret includes secretKey and accessKey credentials for S3 bucket true


↩ Parent

Plotter is the Schema for the plotters API

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string Plotter true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object PlotterSpec defines the desired state of Plotter, which is applied in a multi-clustered environment. Plotter installs the runtime environment (as blueprints running on remote clusters) which provides the Data Scientist's application with secure and governed access to the data requested in the M4DApplication. false
status object PlotterStatus defines the observed state of Plotter This includes readiness, error message, and indicators received from blueprint resources owned by the Plotter for cleanup and status monitoring false


↩ Parent

PlotterSpec defines the desired state of Plotter, which is applied in a multi-clustered environment. Plotter installs the runtime environment (as blueprints running on remote clusters) which provides the Data Scientist's application with secure and governed access to the data requested in the M4DApplication.

Name Type Description Required
blueprints map[string]object Blueprints structure represents remote blueprints mapped by the identifier of a cluster in which they will be running true
selector object Selector enables to connect the resource to the application Should match the selector of the owner - M4DApplication CRD. true


↩ Parent

BlueprintSpec defines the desired state of Blueprint, which is the runtime environment which provides the Data Scientist's application with secure and governed access to the data requested in the M4DApplication. The blueprint uses an "argo like" syntax which indicates the components and the flow of data between them as steps TODO: Add an indication of the communication relationships between the components

Name Type Description Required
entrypoint string true
flow object DataFlow indicates the flow of the data between the components Currently we assume this is linear and thus use steps, but other more complex graphs could be defined as per how it is done in argo workflow true
templates []object true


↩ Parent

DataFlow indicates the flow of the data between the components Currently we assume this is linear and thus use steps, but other more complex graphs could be defined as per how it is done in argo workflow

Name Type Description Required
name string true
steps []object true


↩ Parent

FlowStep is one step indicates an instance of a module in the blueprint, It includes the name of the module template (spec) and the parameters received by the component instance that is initiated by the orchestrator.

Name Type Description Required
arguments object Arguments are the input parameters for a specific instance of a module. false
name string Name is the name of the instance of the module. For example, if the application is named "notebook" and an implicitcopy module is deemed necessary. The FlowStep name would be notebook-implicitcopy. true
template string Template is the name of the specification in the Blueprint describing how to instantiate a component indicated by the module. It is the name of a M4DModule CRD. For example: implicit-copy-db2wh-to-s3-latest true


↩ Parent

Arguments are the input parameters for a specific instance of a module.

Name Type Description Required
copy object CopyArgs are parameters specific to modules that copy data from one data store to another. false
read []object ReadArgs are parameters that are specific to modules that enable an application to read data false
write []object WriteArgs are parameters that are specific to modules that enable an application to write data false


↩ Parent

CopyArgs are parameters specific to modules that copy data from one data store to another.

Name Type Description Required
transformations []object Transformations are different types of processing that may be done to the data as it is copied. false
destination object Destination is the data store to which the data will be copied true
source object Source is the where the data currently resides true


↩ Parent

Destination is the data store to which the data will be copied

Name Type Description Required
connection object Connection has the relevant details for accesing the data (url, table, ssl, etc.) true
format string Format represents data format (e.g. parquet) as received from catalog connectors true
vault object Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store. true


↩ Parent

Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store.

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Source is the where the data currently resides

Name Type Description Required
connection object Connection has the relevant details for accesing the data (url, table, ssl, etc.) true
format string Format represents data format (e.g. parquet) as received from catalog connectors true
vault object Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store. true


↩ Parent

Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store.

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

ReadModuleArgs define the input parameters for modules that read data from location A

Name Type Description Required
transformations []object Transformations are different types of processing that may be done to the data false
assetID string AssetID identifies the asset to be used for accessing the data when it is ready It is copied from the M4DApplication resource true
source object Source of the read path module true


↩ Parent

Source of the read path module

Name Type Description Required
connection object Connection has the relevant details for accesing the data (url, table, ssl, etc.) true
format string Format represents data format (e.g. parquet) as received from catalog connectors true
vault object Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store. true


↩ Parent

Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store.

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

WriteModuleArgs define the input parameters for modules that write data to location B

Name Type Description Required
transformations []object Transformations are different types of processing that may be done to the data as it is written. false
destination object Destination is the data store to which the data will be written true


↩ Parent

Destination is the data store to which the data will be written

Name Type Description Required
connection object Connection has the relevant details for accesing the data (url, table, ssl, etc.) true
format string Format represents data format (e.g. parquet) as received from catalog connectors true
vault object Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store. true


↩ Parent

Holds details for retrieving credentials by the modules from Vault store.

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

ComponentTemplate is a copy of a M4DModule Custom Resource. It contains the information necessary to instantiate a component in a FlowStep, which provides the functionality described by the module. There are 3 different module types.

Name Type Description Required
chart object Chart contains the location of the helm chart with info detailing how to deploy true
kind string Kind of k8s resource true
name string Name of the template true


↩ Parent

Chart contains the location of the helm chart with info detailing how to deploy

Name Type Description Required
values map[string]string Values to pass to helm chart installation false
name string Name of helm chart true


↩ Parent

Selector enables to connect the resource to the application Should match the selector of the owner - M4DApplication CRD.

Name Type Description Required
matchExpressions []object matchExpressions is a list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. false
matchLabels map[string]string matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed. false


↩ Parent

A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.

Name Type Description Required
values []string values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch. false
key string key is the label key that the selector applies to. true
operator string operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist. true


↩ Parent

PlotterStatus defines the observed state of Plotter This includes readiness, error message, and indicators received from blueprint resources owned by the Plotter for cleanup and status monitoring

Name Type Description Required
blueprints map[string]object false
observedGeneration integer ObservedGeneration is taken from the Plotter metadata. This is used to determine during reconcile whether reconcile was called because the desired state changed, or whether status of the allocated blueprints should be checked. false
observedState object ObservedState includes information to be reported back to the M4DApplication resource It includes readiness and error indications, as well as user instructions false
readyTimestamp string false


↩ Parent

MetaBlueprint defines blueprint metadata (name, namespace) and status

Name Type Description Required
metadata object false
status object BlueprintStatus defines the observed state of Blueprint This includes readiness, error message, and indicators forthe Kubernetes resources owned by the Blueprint for cleanup and status monitoring false


↩ Parent

BlueprintStatus defines the observed state of Blueprint This includes readiness, error message, and indicators forthe Kubernetes resources owned by the Blueprint for cleanup and status monitoring

Name Type Description Required
observedGeneration integer ObservedGeneration is taken from the Blueprint metadata. This is used to determine during reconcile whether reconcile was called because the desired state changed, or whether status of the allocated resources should be checked. false
observedState object ObservedState includes information to be reported back to the M4DApplication resource It includes readiness and error indications, as well as user instructions false
releases map[string]integer Releases map each release to the observed generation of the blueprint containing this release. At the end of reconcile, each release should be mapped to the latest blueprint version or be uninstalled. false


↩ Parent

ObservedState includes information to be reported back to the M4DApplication resource It includes readiness and error indications, as well as user instructions

Name Type Description Required
dataAccessInstructions string DataAccessInstructions indicate how the data user or his application may access the data. Instructions are available upon successful orchestration. false
error string Error indicates that there has been an error to orchestrate the modules and provides the error message false
ready boolean Ready represents that the modules have been orchestrated successfully and the data is ready for usage false


↩ Parent

ObservedState includes information to be reported back to the M4DApplication resource It includes readiness and error indications, as well as user instructions

Name Type Description Required
dataAccessInstructions string DataAccessInstructions indicate how the data user or his application may access the data. Instructions are available upon successful orchestration. false
error string Error indicates that there has been an error to orchestrate the modules and provides the error message false
ready boolean Ready represents that the modules have been orchestrated successfully and the data is ready for usage false

Resource Types:


↩ Parent

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string Asset true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object true


↩ Parent

Name Type Description Required
assetDetails object Asset details true
assetMetadata object true
secretRef object Reference to a Secret resource holding credentials for this asset true


↩ Parent

Asset details

Name Type Description Required
dataFormat string false
connection object Connection information true


↩ Parent

Connection information

Name Type Description Required
db2 object false
kafka object false
s3 object Connection information for S3 compatible object store false
type enum [s3 db2 kafka] true


↩ Parent

Name Type Description Required
database string false
port string false
ssl string false
table string false
url string false


↩ Parent

Name Type Description Required
bootstrap_servers string false
key_deserializer string false
sasl_mechanism string false
schema_registry string false
security_protocol string false
ssl_truststore string false
ssl_truststore_password string false
topic_name string false
value_deserializer string false


↩ Parent

Connection information for S3 compatible object store

Name Type Description Required
region string false
bucket string true
endpoint string true
objectKey string true


↩ Parent

Name Type Description Required
componentsMetadata map[string]object metadata for each component in asset (e.g., column) false
geography string false
namedMetadata map[string]string false
owner string false
tags []string Tags associated with the asset false


↩ Parent

Name Type Description Required
componentType string false
namedMetadata map[string]string Named terms, that exist in Catalog toxonomy and the values for these terms for columns we will have "SchemaDetails" key, that will include technical schema details for this column TODO: Consider create special field for schema outside of metadata false
tags []string Tags - can be any free text added to a component (no taxonomy) false


↩ Parent

Reference to a Secret resource holding credentials for this asset

Name Type Description Required
name string Name of the Secret resource (must exist in the same namespace) true

Resource Types:


↩ Parent

BatchTransfer is the Schema for the batchtransfers API

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string BatchTransfer true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object BatchTransferSpec defines the state of a BatchTransfer. The state includes source/destination specification, a schedule and the means by which data movement is to be conducted. The means is given as a kubernetes job description. In addition, the state also contains a sketch of a transformation instruction. In future releases, the transformation description should be specified in a separate CRD. false
status object BatchTransferStatus defines the observed state of BatchTransfer This includes a reference to the job that implements the movement as well as the last schedule time. What is missing: Extended status information such as: - number of records moved - technical meta-data false


↩ Parent

BatchTransferSpec defines the state of a BatchTransfer. The state includes source/destination specification, a schedule and the means by which data movement is to be conducted. The means is given as a kubernetes job description. In addition, the state also contains a sketch of a transformation instruction. In future releases, the transformation description should be specified in a separate CRD.

Name Type Description Required
failedJobHistoryLimit integer Maximal number of failed Kubernetes job objects that should be kept. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
flowType enum Data flow type that specifies if this is a stream or a batch workflow [Batch Stream] false
image string Image that should be used for the actual batch job. This is usually a datamover image. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
imagePullPolicy string Image pull policy that should be used for the actual job. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
maxFailedRetries integer Maximal number of failed retries until the batch job should stop trying. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
noFinalizer boolean If this batch job instance should have a finalizer or not. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
readDataType enum Data type of the data that is read from source (log data or change data) [LogData ChangeData] false
schedule string Cron schedule if this BatchTransfer job should run on a regular schedule. Values are specified like cron job schedules. A good translation to human language can be found here false
secretProviderRole string Secret provider role that should be used for the actual job. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
secretProviderURL string Secret provider url that should be used for the actual job. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
spark object Optional Spark configuration for tuning false
successfulJobHistoryLimit integer Maximal number of successful Kubernetes job objects that should be kept. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
suspend boolean If this batch job instance is run on a schedule the regular schedule can be suspended with this property. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
transformation []object Transformations to be applied to the source data before writing to destination false
writeDataType enum Data type of how the data should be written to the target (log data or change data) [LogData ChangeData] false
writeOperation enum Write operation that should be performed when writing (overwrite,append,update) Caution: Some write operations are only available for batch and some only for stream. [Overwrite Append Update] false
destination object Destination data store for this batch job true
source object Source data store for this batch job true


↩ Parent

Optional Spark configuration for tuning

Name Type Description Required
appName string Name of the transaction. Mainly used for debugging and lineage tracking. false
driverCores integer Number of cores that the driver should use false
driverMemory integer Memory that the driver should have false
executorCores integer Number of cores that each executor should have false
executorMemory string Memory that each executor should have false
image string Image to be used for executors false
imagePullPolicy string Image pull policy to be used for executor false
numExecutors integer Number of executors to be started false
options map[string]string Additional options for Spark configuration. false
shufflePartitions integer Number of shuffle partitions for Spark false


↩ Parent

to be refined...

Name Type Description Required
action enum Transformation action that should be performed. [RemoveColumns EncryptColumns DigestColumns RedactColumns SampleRows FilterRows] false
columns []string Columns that are involved in this action. This property is optional as for some actions no columns have to be specified. E.g. filter is a row based transformation. false
name string Name of the transaction. Mainly used for debugging and lineage tracking. false
options map[string]string Additional options for this transformation. false


↩ Parent

Destination data store for this batch job

Name Type Description Required
cloudant object IBM Cloudant. Needs cloudant legacy credentials. false
database object Database data store. For the moment only Db2 is supported. false
description string Description of the transfer in human readable form that is displayed in the kubectl get If not provided this will be filled in depending on the datastore that is specified. false
kafka object Kafka data store. The supposed format within the given Kafka topic is a Confluent compatible format stored as Avro. A schema registry needs to be specified as well. false
s3 object An object store data store that is compatible with S3. This can be a COS bucket. false


↩ Parent

IBM Cloudant. Needs cloudant legacy credentials.

Name Type Description Required
password string Cloudant password. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
username string Cloudant user. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
database string Database to be read from/written to true
host string Host of cloudant instance true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Database data store. For the moment only Db2 is supported.

Name Type Description Required
password string Database password. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
user string Database user. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
db2URL string URL to Db2 instance in JDBC format Supported SSL certificates are currently certificates signed with IBM Intermediate CA or cloud signed certificates. true
table string Table to be read true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Kafka data store. The supposed format within the given Kafka topic is a Confluent compatible format stored as Avro. A schema registry needs to be specified as well.

Name Type Description Required
createSnapshot boolean If a snapshot should be created of the topic. Records in Kafka are stored as key-value pairs. Updates/Deletes for the same key are appended to the Kafka topic and the last value for a given key is the valid key in a Snapshot. When this property is true only the last value will be written. If the property is false all values will be written out. As a CDC example: If the property is true a valid snapshot of the log stream will be created. If the property is false the CDC stream will be dumped as is like a change log. false
dataFormat string Data format of the objects in S3. e.g. parquet or csv. Please refer to struct for allowed values. false
keyDeserializer string Deserializer to be used for the keys of the topic false
password string Kafka user password Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
saslMechanism string SASL Mechanism to be used (e.g. PLAIN or SCRAM-SHA-512) Default SCRAM-SHA-512 will be assumed if not specified false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
securityProtocol string Kafka security protocol one of (PLAINTEXT, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL, SSL) Default SASL_SSL will be assumed if not specified false
sslTruststore string A truststore or certificate encoded as base64. The format can be JKS or PKCS12. A truststore can be specified like this or in a predefined Kubernetes secret false
sslTruststoreLocation string SSL truststore location. false
sslTruststorePassword string SSL truststore password. false
sslTruststoreSecret string Kubernetes secret that contains the SSL truststore. The format can be JKS or PKCS12. A truststore can be specified like this or as false
user string Kafka user name. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
valueDeserializer string Deserializer to be used for the values of the topic false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
kafkaBrokers string Kafka broker URLs as a comma separated list. true
kafkaTopic string Kafka topic true
schemaRegistryURL string URL to the schema registry. The registry has to be Confluent schema registry compatible. true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

An object store data store that is compatible with S3. This can be a COS bucket.

Name Type Description Required
accessKey string Access key of the HMAC credentials that can access the given bucket. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
dataFormat string Data format of the objects in S3. e.g. parquet or csv. Please refer to struct for allowed values. false
partitionBy []string Partition by partition (for target data stores) Defines the columns to partition the output by for a target data store. false
region string Region of S3 service false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
secretKey string Secret key of the HMAC credentials that can access the given bucket. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the accessKey/secretKey are stored. If not specified accessKey and secretKey have to be specified! false
bucket string Bucket of S3 service true
endpoint string Endpoint of S3 service true
objectKey string Object key of the object in S3. This is used as a prefix! Thus all objects that have the given objectKey as prefix will be used as input! true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Source data store for this batch job

Name Type Description Required
cloudant object IBM Cloudant. Needs cloudant legacy credentials. false
database object Database data store. For the moment only Db2 is supported. false
description string Description of the transfer in human readable form that is displayed in the kubectl get If not provided this will be filled in depending on the datastore that is specified. false
kafka object Kafka data store. The supposed format within the given Kafka topic is a Confluent compatible format stored as Avro. A schema registry needs to be specified as well. false
s3 object An object store data store that is compatible with S3. This can be a COS bucket. false


↩ Parent

IBM Cloudant. Needs cloudant legacy credentials.

Name Type Description Required
password string Cloudant password. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
username string Cloudant user. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
database string Database to be read from/written to true
host string Host of cloudant instance true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Database data store. For the moment only Db2 is supported.

Name Type Description Required
password string Database password. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
user string Database user. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
db2URL string URL to Db2 instance in JDBC format Supported SSL certificates are currently certificates signed with IBM Intermediate CA or cloud signed certificates. true
table string Table to be read true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Kafka data store. The supposed format within the given Kafka topic is a Confluent compatible format stored as Avro. A schema registry needs to be specified as well.

Name Type Description Required
createSnapshot boolean If a snapshot should be created of the topic. Records in Kafka are stored as key-value pairs. Updates/Deletes for the same key are appended to the Kafka topic and the last value for a given key is the valid key in a Snapshot. When this property is true only the last value will be written. If the property is false all values will be written out. As a CDC example: If the property is true a valid snapshot of the log stream will be created. If the property is false the CDC stream will be dumped as is like a change log. false
dataFormat string Data format of the objects in S3. e.g. parquet or csv. Please refer to struct for allowed values. false
keyDeserializer string Deserializer to be used for the keys of the topic false
password string Kafka user password Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
saslMechanism string SASL Mechanism to be used (e.g. PLAIN or SCRAM-SHA-512) Default SCRAM-SHA-512 will be assumed if not specified false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
securityProtocol string Kafka security protocol one of (PLAINTEXT, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL, SSL) Default SASL_SSL will be assumed if not specified false
sslTruststore string A truststore or certificate encoded as base64. The format can be JKS or PKCS12. A truststore can be specified like this or in a predefined Kubernetes secret false
sslTruststoreLocation string SSL truststore location. false
sslTruststorePassword string SSL truststore password. false
sslTruststoreSecret string Kubernetes secret that contains the SSL truststore. The format can be JKS or PKCS12. A truststore can be specified like this or as false
user string Kafka user name. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
valueDeserializer string Deserializer to be used for the values of the topic false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
kafkaBrokers string Kafka broker URLs as a comma separated list. true
kafkaTopic string Kafka topic true
schemaRegistryURL string URL to the schema registry. The registry has to be Confluent schema registry compatible. true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

An object store data store that is compatible with S3. This can be a COS bucket.

Name Type Description Required
accessKey string Access key of the HMAC credentials that can access the given bucket. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
dataFormat string Data format of the objects in S3. e.g. parquet or csv. Please refer to struct for allowed values. false
partitionBy []string Partition by partition (for target data stores) Defines the columns to partition the output by for a target data store. false
region string Region of S3 service false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
secretKey string Secret key of the HMAC credentials that can access the given bucket. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the accessKey/secretKey are stored. If not specified accessKey and secretKey have to be specified! false
bucket string Bucket of S3 service true
endpoint string Endpoint of S3 service true
objectKey string Object key of the object in S3. This is used as a prefix! Thus all objects that have the given objectKey as prefix will be used as input! true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

BatchTransferStatus defines the observed state of BatchTransfer This includes a reference to the job that implements the movement as well as the last schedule time. What is missing: Extended status information such as: - number of records moved - technical meta-data

Name Type Description Required
active object A pointer to the currently running job (or nil) false
error string false
lastCompleted object ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. --- New uses of this type are discouraged because of difficulty describing its usage when embedded in APIs. 1. Ignored fields. It includes many fields which are not generally honored. For instance, ResourceVersion and FieldPath are both very rarely valid in actual usage. 2. Invalid usage help. It is impossible to add specific help for individual usage. In most embedded usages, there are particular restrictions like, "must refer only to types A and B" or "UID not honored" or "name must be restricted". Those cannot be well described when embedded. 3. Inconsistent validation. Because the usages are different, the validation rules are different by usage, which makes it hard for users to predict what will happen. 4. The fields are both imprecise and overly precise. Kind is not a precise mapping to a URL. This can produce ambiguity during interpretation and require a REST mapping. In most cases, the dependency is on the group,resource tuple and the version of the actual struct is irrelevant. 5. We cannot easily change it. Because this type is embedded in many locations, updates to this type will affect numerous schemas. Don't make new APIs embed an underspecified API type they do not control. Instead of using this type, create a locally provided and used type that is well-focused on your reference. For example, ServiceReferences for admission registration: . false
lastFailed object ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. --- New uses of this type are discouraged because of difficulty describing its usage when embedded in APIs. 1. Ignored fields. It includes many fields which are not generally honored. For instance, ResourceVersion and FieldPath are both very rarely valid in actual usage. 2. Invalid usage help. It is impossible to add specific help for individual usage. In most embedded usages, there are particular restrictions like, "must refer only to types A and B" or "UID not honored" or "name must be restricted". Those cannot be well described when embedded. 3. Inconsistent validation. Because the usages are different, the validation rules are different by usage, which makes it hard for users to predict what will happen. 4. The fields are both imprecise and overly precise. Kind is not a precise mapping to a URL. This can produce ambiguity during interpretation and require a REST mapping. In most cases, the dependency is on the group,resource tuple and the version of the actual struct is irrelevant. 5. We cannot easily change it. Because this type is embedded in many locations, updates to this type will affect numerous schemas. Don't make new APIs embed an underspecified API type they do not control. Instead of using this type, create a locally provided and used type that is well-focused on your reference. For example, ServiceReferences for admission registration: . false
lastRecordTime string false
lastScheduleTime string Information when was the last time the job was successfully scheduled. false
lastSuccessTime string false
numRecords integer false

↩ Parent

A pointer to the currently running job (or nil)

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string API version of the referent. false
fieldPath string If referring to a piece of an object instead of an entire object, this string should contain a valid JSON/Go field access statement, such as desiredState.manifest.containers[2]. For example, if the object reference is to a container within a pod, this would take on a value like: "spec.containers{name}" (where "name" refers to the name of the container that triggered the event) or if no container name is specified "spec.containers[2]" (container with index 2 in this pod). This syntax is chosen only to have some well-defined way of referencing a part of an object. TODO: this design is not final and this field is subject to change in the future. false
kind string Kind of the referent. More info: false
name string Name of the referent. More info: false
namespace string Namespace of the referent. More info: false
resourceVersion string Specific resourceVersion to which this reference is made, if any. More info: false
uid string UID of the referent. More info: false


↩ Parent

ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. --- New uses of this type are discouraged because of difficulty describing its usage when embedded in APIs. 1. Ignored fields. It includes many fields which are not generally honored. For instance, ResourceVersion and FieldPath are both very rarely valid in actual usage. 2. Invalid usage help. It is impossible to add specific help for individual usage. In most embedded usages, there are particular restrictions like, "must refer only to types A and B" or "UID not honored" or "name must be restricted". Those cannot be well described when embedded. 3. Inconsistent validation. Because the usages are different, the validation rules are different by usage, which makes it hard for users to predict what will happen. 4. The fields are both imprecise and overly precise. Kind is not a precise mapping to a URL. This can produce ambiguity during interpretation and require a REST mapping. In most cases, the dependency is on the group,resource tuple and the version of the actual struct is irrelevant. 5. We cannot easily change it. Because this type is embedded in many locations, updates to this type will affect numerous schemas. Don't make new APIs embed an underspecified API type they do not control. Instead of using this type, create a locally provided and used type that is well-focused on your reference. For example, ServiceReferences for admission registration: .

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string API version of the referent. false
fieldPath string If referring to a piece of an object instead of an entire object, this string should contain a valid JSON/Go field access statement, such as desiredState.manifest.containers[2]. For example, if the object reference is to a container within a pod, this would take on a value like: "spec.containers{name}" (where "name" refers to the name of the container that triggered the event) or if no container name is specified "spec.containers[2]" (container with index 2 in this pod). This syntax is chosen only to have some well-defined way of referencing a part of an object. TODO: this design is not final and this field is subject to change in the future. false
kind string Kind of the referent. More info: false
name string Name of the referent. More info: false
namespace string Namespace of the referent. More info: false
resourceVersion string Specific resourceVersion to which this reference is made, if any. More info: false
uid string UID of the referent. More info: false


↩ Parent

ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. --- New uses of this type are discouraged because of difficulty describing its usage when embedded in APIs. 1. Ignored fields. It includes many fields which are not generally honored. For instance, ResourceVersion and FieldPath are both very rarely valid in actual usage. 2. Invalid usage help. It is impossible to add specific help for individual usage. In most embedded usages, there are particular restrictions like, "must refer only to types A and B" or "UID not honored" or "name must be restricted". Those cannot be well described when embedded. 3. Inconsistent validation. Because the usages are different, the validation rules are different by usage, which makes it hard for users to predict what will happen. 4. The fields are both imprecise and overly precise. Kind is not a precise mapping to a URL. This can produce ambiguity during interpretation and require a REST mapping. In most cases, the dependency is on the group,resource tuple and the version of the actual struct is irrelevant. 5. We cannot easily change it. Because this type is embedded in many locations, updates to this type will affect numerous schemas. Don't make new APIs embed an underspecified API type they do not control. Instead of using this type, create a locally provided and used type that is well-focused on your reference. For example, ServiceReferences for admission registration: .

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string API version of the referent. false
fieldPath string If referring to a piece of an object instead of an entire object, this string should contain a valid JSON/Go field access statement, such as desiredState.manifest.containers[2]. For example, if the object reference is to a container within a pod, this would take on a value like: "spec.containers{name}" (where "name" refers to the name of the container that triggered the event) or if no container name is specified "spec.containers[2]" (container with index 2 in this pod). This syntax is chosen only to have some well-defined way of referencing a part of an object. TODO: this design is not final and this field is subject to change in the future. false
kind string Kind of the referent. More info: false
name string Name of the referent. More info: false
namespace string Namespace of the referent. More info: false
resourceVersion string Specific resourceVersion to which this reference is made, if any. More info: false
uid string UID of the referent. More info: false


↩ Parent

StreamTransfer is the Schema for the streamtransfers API

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string StreamTransfer true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object StreamTransferSpec defines the desired state of StreamTransfer false
status object StreamTransferStatus defines the observed state of StreamTransfer false


↩ Parent

StreamTransferSpec defines the desired state of StreamTransfer

Name Type Description Required
flowType enum Data flow type that specifies if this is a stream or a batch workflow [Batch Stream] false
image string Image that should be used for the actual batch job. This is usually a datamover image. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
imagePullPolicy string Image pull policy that should be used for the actual job. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
noFinalizer boolean If this batch job instance should have a finalizer or not. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
readDataType enum Data type of the data that is read from source (log data or change data) [LogData ChangeData] false
secretProviderRole string Secret provider role that should be used for the actual job. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
secretProviderURL string Secret provider url that should be used for the actual job. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
suspend boolean If this batch job instance is run on a schedule the regular schedule can be suspended with this property. This property will be defaulted by the webhook if not set. false
transformation []object Transformations to be applied to the source data before writing to destination false
triggerInterval string Interval in which the Micro batches of this stream should be triggered The default is '5 seconds'. false
writeDataType enum Data type of how the data should be written to the target (log data or change data) [LogData ChangeData] false
writeOperation enum Write operation that should be performed when writing (overwrite,append,update) Caution: Some write operations are only available for batch and some only for stream. [Overwrite Append Update] false
destination object Destination data store for this batch job true
source object Source data store for this batch job true


↩ Parent

to be refined...

Name Type Description Required
action enum Transformation action that should be performed. [RemoveColumns EncryptColumns DigestColumns RedactColumns SampleRows FilterRows] false
columns []string Columns that are involved in this action. This property is optional as for some actions no columns have to be specified. E.g. filter is a row based transformation. false
name string Name of the transaction. Mainly used for debugging and lineage tracking. false
options map[string]string Additional options for this transformation. false


↩ Parent

Destination data store for this batch job

Name Type Description Required
cloudant object IBM Cloudant. Needs cloudant legacy credentials. false
database object Database data store. For the moment only Db2 is supported. false
description string Description of the transfer in human readable form that is displayed in the kubectl get If not provided this will be filled in depending on the datastore that is specified. false
kafka object Kafka data store. The supposed format within the given Kafka topic is a Confluent compatible format stored as Avro. A schema registry needs to be specified as well. false
s3 object An object store data store that is compatible with S3. This can be a COS bucket. false


↩ Parent

IBM Cloudant. Needs cloudant legacy credentials.

Name Type Description Required
password string Cloudant password. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
username string Cloudant user. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
database string Database to be read from/written to true
host string Host of cloudant instance true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Database data store. For the moment only Db2 is supported.

Name Type Description Required
password string Database password. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
user string Database user. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
db2URL string URL to Db2 instance in JDBC format Supported SSL certificates are currently certificates signed with IBM Intermediate CA or cloud signed certificates. true
table string Table to be read true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Kafka data store. The supposed format within the given Kafka topic is a Confluent compatible format stored as Avro. A schema registry needs to be specified as well.

Name Type Description Required
createSnapshot boolean If a snapshot should be created of the topic. Records in Kafka are stored as key-value pairs. Updates/Deletes for the same key are appended to the Kafka topic and the last value for a given key is the valid key in a Snapshot. When this property is true only the last value will be written. If the property is false all values will be written out. As a CDC example: If the property is true a valid snapshot of the log stream will be created. If the property is false the CDC stream will be dumped as is like a change log. false
dataFormat string Data format of the objects in S3. e.g. parquet or csv. Please refer to struct for allowed values. false
keyDeserializer string Deserializer to be used for the keys of the topic false
password string Kafka user password Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
saslMechanism string SASL Mechanism to be used (e.g. PLAIN or SCRAM-SHA-512) Default SCRAM-SHA-512 will be assumed if not specified false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
securityProtocol string Kafka security protocol one of (PLAINTEXT, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL, SSL) Default SASL_SSL will be assumed if not specified false
sslTruststore string A truststore or certificate encoded as base64. The format can be JKS or PKCS12. A truststore can be specified like this or in a predefined Kubernetes secret false
sslTruststoreLocation string SSL truststore location. false
sslTruststorePassword string SSL truststore password. false
sslTruststoreSecret string Kubernetes secret that contains the SSL truststore. The format can be JKS or PKCS12. A truststore can be specified like this or as false
user string Kafka user name. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
valueDeserializer string Deserializer to be used for the values of the topic false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
kafkaBrokers string Kafka broker URLs as a comma separated list. true
kafkaTopic string Kafka topic true
schemaRegistryURL string URL to the schema registry. The registry has to be Confluent schema registry compatible. true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

An object store data store that is compatible with S3. This can be a COS bucket.

Name Type Description Required
accessKey string Access key of the HMAC credentials that can access the given bucket. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
dataFormat string Data format of the objects in S3. e.g. parquet or csv. Please refer to struct for allowed values. false
partitionBy []string Partition by partition (for target data stores) Defines the columns to partition the output by for a target data store. false
region string Region of S3 service false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
secretKey string Secret key of the HMAC credentials that can access the given bucket. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the accessKey/secretKey are stored. If not specified accessKey and secretKey have to be specified! false
bucket string Bucket of S3 service true
endpoint string Endpoint of S3 service true
objectKey string Object key of the object in S3. This is used as a prefix! Thus all objects that have the given objectKey as prefix will be used as input! true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Source data store for this batch job

Name Type Description Required
cloudant object IBM Cloudant. Needs cloudant legacy credentials. false
database object Database data store. For the moment only Db2 is supported. false
description string Description of the transfer in human readable form that is displayed in the kubectl get If not provided this will be filled in depending on the datastore that is specified. false
kafka object Kafka data store. The supposed format within the given Kafka topic is a Confluent compatible format stored as Avro. A schema registry needs to be specified as well. false
s3 object An object store data store that is compatible with S3. This can be a COS bucket. false


↩ Parent

IBM Cloudant. Needs cloudant legacy credentials.

Name Type Description Required
password string Cloudant password. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
username string Cloudant user. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
database string Database to be read from/written to true
host string Host of cloudant instance true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Database data store. For the moment only Db2 is supported.

Name Type Description Required
password string Database password. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
user string Database user. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
db2URL string URL to Db2 instance in JDBC format Supported SSL certificates are currently certificates signed with IBM Intermediate CA or cloud signed certificates. true
table string Table to be read true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

Kafka data store. The supposed format within the given Kafka topic is a Confluent compatible format stored as Avro. A schema registry needs to be specified as well.

Name Type Description Required
createSnapshot boolean If a snapshot should be created of the topic. Records in Kafka are stored as key-value pairs. Updates/Deletes for the same key are appended to the Kafka topic and the last value for a given key is the valid key in a Snapshot. When this property is true only the last value will be written. If the property is false all values will be written out. As a CDC example: If the property is true a valid snapshot of the log stream will be created. If the property is false the CDC stream will be dumped as is like a change log. false
dataFormat string Data format of the objects in S3. e.g. parquet or csv. Please refer to struct for allowed values. false
keyDeserializer string Deserializer to be used for the keys of the topic false
password string Kafka user password Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
saslMechanism string SASL Mechanism to be used (e.g. PLAIN or SCRAM-SHA-512) Default SCRAM-SHA-512 will be assumed if not specified false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
securityProtocol string Kafka security protocol one of (PLAINTEXT, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL, SSL) Default SASL_SSL will be assumed if not specified false
sslTruststore string A truststore or certificate encoded as base64. The format can be JKS or PKCS12. A truststore can be specified like this or in a predefined Kubernetes secret false
sslTruststoreLocation string SSL truststore location. false
sslTruststorePassword string SSL truststore password. false
sslTruststoreSecret string Kubernetes secret that contains the SSL truststore. The format can be JKS or PKCS12. A truststore can be specified like this or as false
user string Kafka user name. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
valueDeserializer string Deserializer to be used for the values of the topic false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the user name/password are stored. If not specified user and password have to be specified! false
kafkaBrokers string Kafka broker URLs as a comma separated list. true
kafkaTopic string Kafka topic true
schemaRegistryURL string URL to the schema registry. The registry has to be Confluent schema registry compatible. true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

An object store data store that is compatible with S3. This can be a COS bucket.

Name Type Description Required
accessKey string Access key of the HMAC credentials that can access the given bucket. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
dataFormat string Data format of the objects in S3. e.g. parquet or csv. Please refer to struct for allowed values. false
partitionBy []string Partition by partition (for target data stores) Defines the columns to partition the output by for a target data store. false
region string Region of S3 service false
secretImport string Define a secret import definition. false
secretKey string Secret key of the HMAC credentials that can access the given bucket. Can be retrieved from vault if specified in vaultPath parameter and is thus optional. false
vault object Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance false
vaultPath string Vault path where the accessKey/secretKey are stored. If not specified accessKey and secretKey have to be specified! false
bucket string Bucket of S3 service true
endpoint string Endpoint of S3 service true
objectKey string Object key of the object in S3. This is used as a prefix! Thus all objects that have the given objectKey as prefix will be used as input! true


↩ Parent

Define secrets that are fetched from a Vault instance

Name Type Description Required
address string Address is Vault address true
authPath string AuthPath is the path to auth method i.e. kubernetes true
role string Role is the Vault role used for retrieving the credentials true
secretPath string SecretPath is the path of the secret holding the Credentials in Vault true


↩ Parent

StreamTransferStatus defines the observed state of StreamTransfer

Name Type Description Required
active object A pointer to the currently running job (or nil) false
error string false

↩ Parent

A pointer to the currently running job (or nil)

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string API version of the referent. false
fieldPath string If referring to a piece of an object instead of an entire object, this string should contain a valid JSON/Go field access statement, such as desiredState.manifest.containers[2]. For example, if the object reference is to a container within a pod, this would take on a value like: "spec.containers{name}" (where "name" refers to the name of the container that triggered the event) or if no container name is specified "spec.containers[2]" (container with index 2 in this pod). This syntax is chosen only to have some well-defined way of referencing a part of an object. TODO: this design is not final and this field is subject to change in the future. false
kind string Kind of the referent. More info: false
name string Name of the referent. More info: false
namespace string Namespace of the referent. More info: false
resourceVersion string Specific resourceVersion to which this reference is made, if any. More info: false
uid string UID of the referent. More info: false